Tuesday, January 25, 2011

last day of student teaching--pictures

hug monster (怪兽抱), soooo... sweet, I cried when you hugged me. (你们抱我的时候我哭了。)

I just knew what Johnny and Rommel were doing when we took the picture...(大家看看Johnny和Rom在做什么。。。)

We are supermen...(except...Chris...lol...) 我们都是超人。。。


look at my face...so twisted....(看我的脸,好扭曲啊)

when we really jumped...look at Lunia...She is really good at this...(看Lunia, 她好厉害。。。)

our Asian pose...

your hearts (给我的“心“)

with girls...(you are so tall) 你们好高啊。。。

with all the girls...amazing...

with all the guys...look at Chris' face...

with all the guys... Brendan said you are my bodyguards...