Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Costume 万圣节服装

Attention please, this is very important.

You need to give me your PowerPoint of your Halloween costume presentation this evening by email ( before 11 pm. So I can revise it, color-print it and put it on the wall tomorrow to welcome Halloween's coming.  Yeah!

By the way, who send me your PowerPoint today will get a 1 credit bonus for this presentation.

Sb please tell Rommel and Du Yijie what we did today and let them watch my ppt and try to do today's homework. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homework for today (10.27.2010)

Read the text and write down the answers for these questions as comments (Don't forget to write down your name first and then the answers).

•2. 小云为什么喜欢现在的茶馆?

•3. 据说现在北京有多少家茶馆?


ppt for today (10.27.2010)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lunia-oral report





Friday, October 22, 2010

Homework for yesterday and this weekend, and some other important stuff

1. Homework for yesterday (10/21/2010).

Write your answers according to the dialog "在家里“ on page 66.

Why Xiaoyun's grandfather felt regretful when he came back to China fifty years later? What they would do next?

Post your answers as comments of this post.

2. Homework for this weekend.

Review the vocabulary (the character, the pinyin, and the meaning). We'll have a quiz on some of the words in the vocabulary list next Monday.

Remember the quiz format?
question 1: write down the meaning (in English) of the words.
question 2: write down the pinyin(It's better to give tones) of the words.

3. Bring me your photo next Monday!!! Or send one to me this weekend! Go to facebook or somewhere, download it and send it to me (! Do it as quickly as possible!
That's for our showing board!!!

4. Some of you didn't give the textbooks back to Mrs.Wei last semester since the regent test, right? For those people: Yijie, Jordi, Lunia, Johnny, Joanne, Julia, Rommel, and Brendan, please bring the textbook to me next Monday!!! This is something urgent!!!Since Mrs. Wei asked me to do this yesterday, but I forgot...Please help me...guys...

That's all...Enjoy the weekend...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Click on the icon on the right and right of the picture and hear each other's voice.

生日快乐,Lunia!!! (Happy birthday, Lunia! )

English version

chinese version- a very cute and excited boy...

Oral Report-Jordi



Jordi 的问题:
1、   1我在博客上写什么?
2、   2我的读者感觉怎么样?

  2、你们知道”Julie and Julia”这个电影吗?Julie写了一个关于什么的博客?这个博客对她的生    活有什么影响?

排序 give the correct order of the sentences according to the text

You can't look at the textbook. Do it using your understanding of the text.









answer for Worksheet, October 20,2010

check the answers of question 1 on your worksheet for your partner.

1. 保持  bǎo chí                  to keep, to maintain
2.世纪   shì                       centrury
3.长期   cháng                 long term
4. 遗憾   hàn                    to regret, regret
5.形成   xíng chéng             to form, formation
6.俗话    huà                   proverb
7.种植   zhòng zhí               to plant, to grow
8.历史    shǐ                      history
9.激动    dòng                  exited, exiting
10.独特                       unique
11.传播  chuán              to spread

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chia-wei's oral report


Joanne: 我昨天晚上看电视了。
Lunia: 我也看电视了。

PPT for 10.20.2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For oral report

Wednesday, October 20,2010          Chia-wei
Thursday, October 21, 2010             Jordi
Friday, October 22, 2010                 Lunia
Monday, October 25, 2010              Julia
Tuesday, October 26, 2010              Johnny
Wednesday, October 27, 2010        Rommel
Thursday, October 28, 2010            Brendan
Friday, October 29, 2010                Judith
Monday, November 1, 2010           Yijie
Tuesday, November 2, 2010           Chris
Wednesday, November 3, 2010      Joanne

help me!

Hi ^^,
         For the oral report, I want to video-tape your work, and put it into text (I'll do this, you don't need to write anything, just practice speaking), and then to show them in the showing board.
         I'm thinking about a good name for this. Now I have something like "今天你说中文了吗?(Did you speak Chinese today?)", "天天说中文 (speak Chinese everyday)", and "EP 中文频道 (EP Chinese Chanel)". Do you like any one? Or can you help me with more interesting and cool name (but it has to be related with what we do-oral report)?


How to use "voicethread" to record and share your voice.

1. go to
2. click "sign in or register" on the upper right.
3. click "register" on the left.
4. fill out your information, and click "register".
5. Now you have a "voicethread" account.
6. Then you need to go to this page:
7. There is a record of my voice there. Click the icon of me and you'll hear the voice.
8. They will probably ask for a picture of your identity on the lower left corner. upload a picture of you (if you can't find it now, just give a picture that you like.)

9. Now it's your time to record.
1) Click "comment" under the picture.
2) click "record".
3) click "allow".
4) record.
5) When you finish, click "stop recording".
6) Then you'll hear your record as a preview.
7) If you are satisfied with that, click "save", or you can click "cancel" to record again.
8) You can also delete your voice by clicking your icon and clicking the "gabage bin".
9) Ok, now let's share our voices!!!

Note: when you record, please say your name first.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oral Report




* 应顾客要求,本店新增一道武汉风味小吃热干面,敬请品尝。

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Homework for this weekend (October 17)

Hi guys,

How are you doing in the weekend? 

Remember that we have another homework for this weekend? This is it. 

Now  you probably have finished the writing about your favorite food. If you haven't finished that, finish it. 

Then, you need to read your writing and record it using "audacity".

 To use audacity, first, go to this website,, and click"  Audacity Installer 1.2.6". (shown below)

Then you need to download it. After you download it, install it in your computer. 

I'll send you an email of the  instruction about how to install audacity, how to use it to record your voice, and how to adjust your microphone. 

What you need to do.
1) finish writing.
2) download "audacity"
3) check your email (the one you sent me your in-class homework this Friday) and download the instruction about "How to use Audacity".
4) read the instruction and install Audacity.
5) record your writing about your favorite food and save it.
6) send your record to me ( before 11 pm this Sunday(October 17, 2010) .

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me via email.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! See you soon!!!

(ha ha, who know these two characters?)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

answering the following questions 10.14.2010







Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Story Narration Correction

Please read the following stories, and make comments (in Chinese) to at least two students' stories.

Give valuable comments. Each comment should have more than 20 words. Don't just say "好" "好极了" "非常好".
 Note: I use red color to correct and tan color to show that the words are wrong.

Rommel said...
Rommel Smith part 2
WcMBrendan said...
Brendan Tran :)

今天兰兰和小明一起一个约会。 他们去了一个四川餐馆叫日威馆。他们到餐馆的时侯,一个服务员送他们到一个座位 小明说,请问,菜单上画的两个红辣椒是什么意思?". 服务员说意思是这个菜比较辣。。。一个辣椒是有点辣,两个辣椒是比较辣,三个辣椒是非常辣" 兰兰说好,我们要三个辣椒的麻婆豆腐!小明说好。。。麻婆豆腐来的时候,兰兰很开心!吃了一半,兰兰说噢,这里的菜真的很好吃!她看小明,小明在哭。兰兰说小明,你为什么哭了?!他说,我不能吃辣,辣得哭了!他马上叫服务员拿三个可乐来给他。兰兰说对不起,如果你不吃辣,我不可做你的(nv)朋友。。。我的男朋友一定要能吃辣!"
kemuri said...
Jordi Frank ☺
今天天气很冷。冬冬和兰兰决定去麻辣菜。他们喜欢辣的菜。冬冬只知道一点中文,所以兰兰帮。兰兰对服务员说:你们的特色菜是什么? 服务员告诉他们特色菜是麻婆豆腐和水煮鱼。冬冬不懂服务员的话,所以他请兰兰帮他把服务员说的话翻译文。兰兰说:该点水煮鱼。又好吃,又非常辣。 于是,冬冬随到就点了水煮鱼。兰兰点了麻婆豆腐。兰兰和冬冬一起吃菜的时候,兰兰觉得麻婆豆腐比水煮鱼辣。她觉得很辣,嘴非常的热, 冬冬给兰兰点了很多可乐,兰兰才感觉好点冬冬笑兰兰不能吃辣,还点这么辣的菜。冬冬, 告诉兰兰下一次不点了麻婆豆腐了。
Neko said...
Sandy Chen
有一天小华和他的女朋友一起去一间四川菜馆吃饭。他们到那间餐馆的时候,个餐馆的服务员给他们菜单。服务员问他们你们想点什么菜?小华问他的女朋友你想吃什么菜呢?他的女朋友说我看不懂菜单上的中文,你点吧。小华跟服务员说你们的特色菜是什么?服务员就说 水煮鱼和麻婆豆腐。小华问服务员菜后面那三个辣椒是什么意思?服务员说那三个辣椒的意思是这个菜特别辣小华说哦。然后小华问他的女朋友你可以吃辣的吗?他的女朋友说应该可以的吧。小华就跟服务员说好,我们就要拿两个菜吧。服务员说好,你们想喝什么呢?小华的女朋友说可口可乐服务员说好,请你们稍等。
joanne said...

今天兰兰和她的朋友小明去一个四川菜馆叫麻辣诱惑。服务员给了二位菜单。兰兰看到菜单上画几个红辣椒。所以兰兰问服务员红辣椒(shen)么意思。服务员回答她,一个辣椒是有点辣,两个辣椒是比较,三个辣椒施特别辣.”小明说,OH(o)!水煮鱼和麻婆豆腐有三个辣椒所以它特别辣。服务员说,对!您二位想点什么?兰兰回答,好,一份水煮鱼,一份麻婆豆腐。服务员说,等。他们边等一边聊天儿。菜终于到了。兰兰吃豆腐 后她觉得麻豆腐 很辣, 辣死了。她叫那的服务员过来。兰兰说,我(shou)不了。可不可以以把你们所有的汽水都拿给我???!!!

           辣!   服务员,我想要一个汽水!服务员:好!大中说:兰兰如果你不可以
           吃辣的话,  你不应该来吃四川菜。     

昨天,彼得和小明去四川饭馆, 因为这个饭馆是新开的. (You can also say, 附近新开了一个四川饭馆,彼得和小明想去试一下.) 彼得有吃四川,他不熟悉饭知道应该怎么点菜 这是小明第二次到中国饭馆吃饭所以他也不熟悉点菜.彼得看菜单的时候.他不到饭再踩. 于是, 服务员:” 我们不熟悉四川菜. 请你给我推荐各吧.” 副无缘服务员:”(ying)该吃特色菜.” 小明问:”特色菜是什么?”
麻婆豆腐, 水煮鱼是这饭馆的特色菜. 科室可是麻婆豆腐和水煮鱼费场非常. 你能吃辣的吗?” 说服务员服务员说. 彼得和小明:” 还可以.” 小明问:”辣椒是什么意思?” “意思是这个菜比较辣. 麻婆豆腐后面有三个辣椒,所以这个菜特别辣.” 说服务员服务员说. “.我们点两个麻婆豆腐,”小明说. 会儿, 服务员带来他们的饭. 小明和彼得一啃吃了一口麻婆豆腐. “非常辣! 我们要点红茶!” 可是参观餐馆没有茶, 汽水所以他们点了很多可口可乐.