Friday, October 8, 2010


 Work on one of the following texts(It's decided by the cards you pick.) during the weekends. You need to know the pronunciation of the characters and understand the meaning of the text. If you don't know the characters, use this great online dictionary:

When you come back next Tuesday, you'll work with the other 2 people who work on the same text and make a powerpoint to explain the text to the class.

In the powerpoint, you need to write down the new characters/words ( the pinyin, meaning, and make a sentence using that new words/characters) and explain the meaning of the whole paragraph. You can add pintures or other things in your powepoint if time allows.

1. 身为中国人是非常幸福的,中国菜被公认为是色香味俱全的佳肴. 中国人给菜起名字,也下了很大的功夫, 让人吃起菜来很舒服,听到菜名,也回味无穷. 中国菜起名主要分为两种: 按材料起名和按人物起名.

    2. 中国菜很多是按材料起名的,让人点菜时一目了然,想吃什么就点什么.这样的菜有: 糖醋排骨,柠檬鸡片. 按人物起名的菜也很多, 比如东坡肉,麻婆豆腐,宫保鸡丁. 现在中国菜已经走向世界, 受到越来越多的人的欢迎.

   3. 麻婆豆腐  

    4. 叫化鸡
据说,在中国的古代,有一个叫化得到一只鸡,可是他没有锅,也没有调料,没办法,他只能把鸡涂上泥,放入柴火中烤,鸡烤熟后,把泥敲掉,香气四溢。香味吸引了路人, 大家都按照他的方法做这个鸡.于是, 这个菜成一道名菜,流传至今。

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